Clean Fleets

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The Clean Fleets team have recently developed two new publications: 

a Life Cycle Costing tool 

and the Clean Vehicle Procurement Guide 

Before finalising them though, we would like your feedback.

Below we have put together 4 questions for each document and we would like to invite you to send us your thoughts.

Clean Vehicle Procurement Guide (Link below)

  1. How useful is this guide?
  2. Does it explain the Clean Vehicle Directive effectively?
  3. Are any important elements missing?
  4. Can you provide further useful examples?

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) tool for the Clean Vehicle Directive (Link below)

  1. Is there anything missing/ is everything working?
  2. Are all elements necessary (e.g. the discount rate)?
  3. Most importantly, would you find this tool useful for your vehicle procurement?
  4. It would be especially interesting for us to know - would you consider using the section which attributes monetary costs to emissions in a real tender?

We do hope you find both of these tools to be of interest and would very much appreciate any feedback you are able to provide to . 


GUIDE: Procuring clean and efficient road vehicles

This guide is designed to assist public authorities and public transport operators in purchasing clean and energy efficient vehicles in full compliance with European legislation – in particular the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD)4. It is primarily targeted at procurers and fleet managers, but will also be of relevance to policy makers and others involved in the transport sector.

Download the guide (word doc).

LCC TOOL: calculating LIFE-CYCLE COST for clean vehicles directive

With public authorities and fleet operators in mind, this tool has been specially developed to calculate LIFE-CYCLE COST of vehicle fleets for the clean vehicles directive. 

Download the LCC tool (excel spreadsheet).

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