Clean Fleets

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Thematic group: Life Cycle Costing

In vehicle procurement, a life cycle costing (LCC) approach would imply assessing costs such as infrastructural investments, parts and maintenance, training requirements, disposal or resale, etc. How are these costs being taken into account by European public authorities?

The Clean Vehicles Directive includes a methodology which must be used if buyers wish to monetise environmental emissions in public vehicle purchasing decisions. So far, experience in using the methodology is relatively limited, and concerns have also been raised about the results which the scheme gives in terms of preferring one fuel/technology over another.

This working group will explore practical and technical issues related to implementation of the methodology, and the wider aspects of LCC for vehicle procurement. More detailed information is available in the Thematic group: Life cycle costing briefing paper.

Public authorities, technical and professional experts who would like to participate in the exchange and actively input experiences in terms of barriers or lessons learned, can join the groups by sending an email to . The discussions will take place online and via telephone. This exchange is not open to vehicle manufacturers at this time but their involvement will be requested as part of ongoing work.

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