Workshop: Clean bus procurement
This EU workshop took place on 11 - 12 December 2013. All materials including presentations are available to download below.
Bremen, Germany
Topic - The workshop focused on the procurement of clean buses under the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD). It looked at the background and objectives of the CVD and how bus procurement is carried out in practice. The workshop presented experiences from different cities in clean bus procurement, and discussed a variety of important topics which procurers face such as:
- Clean Bus Procurement – objectives of operators and authorities
- What are clean buses? – Comparison of technology options, e.g. diesel Euro V and VI, CNG, LNG, hydrogen, fuel-cell, hybrids
- Towards more electrification – how is this reflected in the CVD/Life Cycle Costing approach?
Study Visit - During a half-day study visit, participants saw the Bremen concept of sustainable mobility in practice. It showcased Bremen's public transport system, which combines an electric tram, conventional EEV diesel buses and diesel-electric buses.
Background – Clean vehicles in Bremen - Since 1998, Bremen has been testing various kinds of hybrid buses. Since 2006, all new buses have fulfilled the EEV emission standard and now almost the entire fleet meets the EEV standard. With the electric tram as the core of the public transport system, Bremen is considering further electrification in the bus sector and is looking at various technological solutions: from pure battery to full electric trolley-battery-hybrid buses.
This would lead to a reduction in noise and local emissions – but how are these benefits reflected in Life Cycle Cost comparisons? How useful is the Clean Vehicles Directive and its German equivalent for such considerations?
'Introduction to the day's programme' - Michael Glotz-Richter, Bremen (Senate for Environment, Construction and Transport)
'Public transport in Bremen - ever more electric!' - Willi Eisenberg, Bremer Straßenbahn AG (Technical Director)
'Buses - an opportunity and a problem. The role of urban buses in the concepts of sustainable mobility, climate protection, air quality and noise reduction' - Falk Heinen, BMU - German Ministry of Environment
'On the way to the electric bus - Comparing vehicle technologies from the life cycle cost perspective under the CVD' - Prof Ralph Pütz, University of Applied Sciences, Landshut/ German Association of Public Transport
'Where do we stand in Europe today?' - Umberto Guida, UITP
'The Clean Fleets project' - Simon Clement, ICLEI
Showcase: Zurich - Alexander Wötzel, Zurich Public Transport (VBZ)
Showcase: Vienna - Andreas Laske, Siemens
Showcase: Rotterdam - Prof. Riek, Rotterdam University, eMobility-Lab
Showcase: Eberswalde - Stephan Rutscher, BBG Eberswalde (local operator)
Showcase: Stockholm - Jonas Ericson, City of Stockholm
Showcase: London - Venn Chesterton, Transport & Travel Research
Bremen workshop impressions
Created with flickr slideshow.