Clean Fleets

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Training and events

As part of the Clean Fleets project, a series of workshops and training sessions will be organised to enhance the exchange of good practice, and provide guidance and training on the implementation of the Clean Vehicles Directive.




'Train the Trainer' Workshops

A training package of five modules on the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD), was developed by the Clean Fleets project.

The training presents practical tools and methods to help implement the CVD and is designed to enable users to repeat the training themselves in their own countries.

The training was presented at two workshops, in Rome and Sofia in 2014. It is also available online as a series of videos with accompanying PowerPoint presentations.

We also have a group of dedicated professionals working in the sector (picture above!) who are available to run/organise a training with you.

To find out more, click here


National workshops

A series of workshops will also be held at the national level in 8 European countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and the UK. 

These workshops will allow both an exchange of good practice, and provide guidance and training on the implementation of the Clean Vehicles Directive.

For an overview of the planned events, visit the national workshops page.

European Workshops

A series of four European workshops were organised as part of the Clean project with the aim of demonstrating how procurement of clean and energy-efficient vehicles is done in practice, to exchange and learn from each others experiences.  

These workshops have now all been completed. Information from each workshop is available below. 

Workshop#1: Clean bus procurement

Bremen, 11-12 December 2013
COMPLETED - Presentations & photos available online 

Workshop#2:Clean urban buses

London, 25-26 March 2014
COMPLETED - Presentations & photos available online                   

Workshop#3: Expanding charging infrastructure & procuring EVs Stockholm, 21-22 May 2014 
COMPLETED - Presentations & photos available online 

Workshop#4: Electric vehicle procurement Rotterdam, 7-8 October 2014
COMPLETED - Presentations & photos available online 

Final workshop

Recommendations for EU & national decision makers

If we are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality within our cities, there is a need for a rapid and wide-scale introduction of alternative fuelled vehicles into publicly owned fleets.

But how is this to be achieved?

A group of local authority representatives, fleet operators and policy makers met to share their thoughts. A compiled version of the recommendations, coming soon!


TfLISISPalenciaURTPVAGSofiaRotterdamZagrebStockholmTÜV NordBremenTTRICLEI Europe - Local governments for Sustainability